Prison novel or hard sex all night

Prison novel or hard sex all night

How would it not sound trite, many can deny the love from a distance, especially with a man who is in prison for years. But I have a choice, and the other was not, like to wait for him. I’m older than him by 20 years, and I, I thought there was nothing and does …

Sex on the beach on the first date

Sex on the beach on the first date

Hello! My name is Miguel! If you have been to Ibiza, you probably know the town of Portinatx, where I actually come from. At any time, we are full of tourists, so that the art of flirting with foreign women I have no equal. The case, which I want to tell you, was not the …

First sex with a virgin in college

First sex with a virgin in college

I studied in the second year of the University and lived in a dormitory. On Saturday evening I was alone in the room, as my friends Paul and Eddie went home for the weekend. I was lying in bed and listening to music on the player. Through the hard rock sounds resounded down the headphones, …

As I changed my husband on holiday in Turkey

As I changed my husband on holiday in Turkey

Hello! I’ve often read stories of women who have changed their husbands with foreigners. This happens most often during recreation on the southern resorts. This happened to me in the Turkish city of Marmaris. I was there alone, we arrived with my husband and settled in a very nice hotel. One evening my husband and …

How do I become a lesbian. Son of passion and sex

How do I become a lesbian. Son of passion and sex

It was my first day of training at the institute. Behind the entrance exams, anxiety, vanity. Now I’m a student! The joy of this event was mixed with bitterness of parting with my boyfriend Michael. Now we can see only on vacation. Between us a distance of several hundred kilometers, it’s so sad. Upset by …

As I changed my wife with neighbor

As I changed my wife with neighbor

That evening, I was beside myself with anger. Just I phoned his wife and said that he would return home until morning. She worked as a waitress in a restaurant, and such delays, though were not rare, but always irritated me. In my imagination, I drew that Clara cheating on me with some fat uncle. …

First sex in a hurry with a student


With Sabine we meet for almost three months, but still we never hang myself to make love under normal conditions. Call her to his home, I could not, because there have always been my parents and younger sister. Sabina lived alone with his mother, and that, too, almost never left the apartment. Rented accommodation is …

Meeting with a sex maniac in the park

Meeting with a sex maniac in the park

One evening I was returning home from a friend. it was still fairly light on the street, so I declined the offer of Natasha’s brother to accompany me. Even turning on his street, I heard a pleasant male voice: “Girl, wait a minute!” I looked around. On the sidewalk I was pretty well-dressed middle-aged man. …

Oral sex on a train with a new friend

Oral sex on a train with a new friend

This high brunet I noticed another station Washington Union Station, where going to get to New York. The guy was well built: broad shoulders, round buttocks, powerful neck. I was upset because my friend on the eve of Brighton, with whom we were together for 2 years, offered to leave. If not for this circumstance, …

The first anal sex in college

The first anal sex in college

The written exam in chemistry at the Medical College came to an end. On my sheet of paper, in addition to today’s date, there was nothing. Chemical formulas did it out of my head. The day before I had a fight with her boyfriend. His name Budd, six months later we were planning to get …